Mitre 10 Ladies Night – Secrets of DIY


Excitement is brewing in Barossa Mitre 10 as things start to come together for our first ever Ladies Night. A showcase of everything a beginner needs to know about accomplishing your own simple jobs around the house. Have you been scared to start a job because you have to use power-tools you’ve never used before? Do you know what you need to fix but not sure how to go about it or which product to use?

Never used a drill before, come and try it. Never used an angle grinder or a drop saw before, come and try it. Need to change a washer in your tap or have to re-do the silicone in your shower, come and see how it’s done. Drill a hole, fix a hole in a gyprock wall, put up a ceiling hook, use a jump starter, straighten up your cupboard doors,  just a few of the things that will be demonstrated or you will be able to try yourself.

Our aim is to prove to you there are some things that appear more difficult and maybe a bit more intimidating through lack of experience. Don’t be put off because you haven’t used power tools, you’re not sure what tools you need, where to start, someone told you it was really hard or that you really need a tradesman.  Maybe you need to put a home toolbox together and not sure what to put in it. This is the night for you.



The full proceeds of the admittance fee charged upon entry to Ladies Night will be donated to BAFFC to help breast cancer patients. Barossa Area Fundraisers for Cancer (BAFFC) is a non-profit organisation raising funds to provide support services and help reduce the impact of cancer in the Barossa Valley community and surrounding regions. They provide community transport cars, a home assist programme, and palliative care rooms for cancer patients, massage and physiotherapist, prosthesis fitter and have access to a variety of wigs and hats. They meet twice a month to organise fundraising activities and would be grateful for more volunteers to join them.




Power tools; big noise, plenty of clout, able to take a finger off while you’re not looking, but essential to most DIY projects.   If you’re a bit nervous about power tools Ty from Makita with the help of our Mick will supervise a hands-on experience for you. He will talk you through how to use the machines and encourage you try a cordless drill using different bits, a drop saw, an angle grinder, a jigsaw and even a chainsaw. It’s easy when you know how.


Screws and fixings, bolts into concrete, this is where we need Lee from Bremick with the help of our Nick. How do you start? What do you need for the job? Is it suitable? Will it hold?  How to hang a shelf, put a hanger on a masonry wall or use a masonry screw, what’s the best for fixing into Gyprock? Get all these questions and more answered and try for yourself to find out how simple it really is.


Ego presents a huge range of battery garden power tool options, everything from a blower to a ride on lawn mower. What are they like, are they easy to use? Do they have the power to perform because they’re battery operated? How heavy are they? Dale can guide you through everything Ego, come in and try them for yourself.


Don’t know what type of silicone, plaster or glue to use for a particular job? Having trouble mastering a perfect finish on silicone, how to patch a hole in a gyprock wall? Rick from Selleys will be here to show you how it’s done then try it yourself.  Rick has all the information on any Selleys product to use confidently on your DIY project.


Marie from Dulux and our Deb will be doing some furniture upcycling using spray cans of paint, do you have trouble getting a neat finish using spray cans or never used one? Come and have a go and see what you can achieve using spray cans. Do you want to try a paint effect on a feature wall or update your outdoor furniture? Marie and Deb have all the information on how to start and what product you need to achieve the result you are looking for.


Fix-a-tap is a proud Australian owned company recognised as the premier supplier of quality maintenance plumbing products. Got a tap that keeps leaking, not sure how to fix it yourself? What do you need for that do you have to have a degree in plumbing? Fix-a-tap representative Grant will be attending to help you learn how to fix a leaking mixer cartridge and change a valve washer in a tap.

This is just a small snapshot of what will be happening on the night, we have representatives from Garden companies, automotive companies and hardware companies bringing giveaways and samples, ready and waiting to demonstrate or answer any questions you may have regarding their products.

Have a coffee and cake on us; put your name in the draw for one of two $1000 travel vouchers in the major prize draw or you may be lucky to pick up a lucky door prize. Cash in on the specials offered on power tools throughout the store. Come along and have some fun at our first Barossa Mitre 10 Ladies Night.



Beef Chili Con Carne Sweet Potato