1. Eligibility Criteria:

    • Applicants must represent a registered charity, club, or organisation to qualify for sponsorship under the Barossa Co-op Sponsorship Program.
    • The applying organisation must hold an active Barossa Co-op membership under its name to be considered for sponsorship.


2. Utilisation of Prior Sponsorship Funds:

    • Prior sponsorship funds awarded by Barossa Co-op must be fully utilised before a new sponsorship application can be submitted.


3. Partnership Requirements:

    • Barossa Co-op reserves the right to modify partnership requirements, sponsorship offerings, and donation investments as deemed necessary. Any changes will be communicated to relevant parties in a timely manner.


4. Cancellation of Outstanding Credits:

    • Barossa Co-op retains the right to cancel any outstanding credits that remain unutilised for more than 12 months from the date of allocation. This applies to sponsorship funds that have been designated for a community club or organisation.


5. Submission of Proof for Sponsorship Actions:

    • Successful sponsorship recipients are required to provide evidence of the agreed-upon sponsorship actions, such as signage display or inclusion of the Barossa Co-op logo on uniforms, within 3 months of receiving sponsorship funds.