How to make running fun!

Slow and steady does actually win the race

Slow is better than sitting on the couch! If it’s been a while, don’t be too hard yourself or go out as though you’re training to beat Usain Bolt – take it steady and run at your own pace.

Taking it slow (especially at the start) helps to loosen up your muscles, maintain a steady pace and will help to keep you running for longer.


Watch TV on the treadmill

If you’re stuck inside in the dead of Winter or if you simply prefer exercising from the comfort of your own home, dust off the treadmill and place it in front of the TV, or tune into the TV at your local gym.

This will allow you to run while catching up on the latest episode of MasterChef, The Bachelor or any other show you might be obsessed with at the moment. Watching TV while running also distracts you from the fact that you’re actually in the middle of a cardio session!


Change your scenery

Bored of running the same route? Mix it up and let your feet take you where you want to go! Instead of going past the same houses on the same streets, try taking a different path.

Focussing on a new setting helps to take your mind off fatigue and you will find that you naturally run for longer.

If there is only one direction to run from your home, don’t be afraid to jump in the car to start from a different location. You might just be surprised at how much of a difference this makes!


Make it social

If you don’t like running or your own, or you struggle to find the motivation to get up in the morning, find yourself a running buddy.

Not only does this give you the opportunity to socialise while running, it also keeps you accountable and helps you stick to a routine!


Download running apps

There are apps for everything these days and running is no exception! Some are designed to motivate, while others turn your cardio session into a fun competition.

Globally, Couch to 5K is one of the most popular running apps, which aims to prepare non-runners to run 5km within 2 months. Alternatively, Zombies, Run is another fun app which challenges you to run faster and further through a series of audio stories and missions, which you must complete to ‘survive’.


Listen to music

It might seem like a no-brainer to some, but for those who don’t already, crank the tunes while you run! You’ll be surprised by how listening to the right tunes can significantly effect your running performance and overall enjoyment.

Listening to music with a beat that matches your step can help you to maintain a consistent pace and encourage you to run for longer! You are also likely to run faster when listening to high-energy playlists, as opposed to more relaxing tunes.


So, the next time you’re contemplating a run, test out one of these methods! And if an update of activewear collection is all you need to get you motivated then we certainly have you covered here at Barossa Sportspower. Whether you’re after compression tights, jumpers, tops, sneakers or at-home sports equipment – we’ve got you covered! Our team are here to make sure you have the right running gear to achieve your goals and make running fun!


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